
We believe the best artists heal those around them and invite others to experience the reality of God’s goodness. Our goal is to create a community of whole-hearted creatives who are visible and active followers of Jesus–loving and meeting needs in their neighborhoods, classrooms, social feeds, and workplaces. 

Dear, Christian, the world needs your ART.


In Luke 12: 35-48, Jesus tells his disciples a parable about the faithful Stewart that watches and waits for his master’s return. Jesus tells his disciples and followers today to, “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning.” This command to actively wait and anticipate Jesus’s return is the heart behind the Lamp Burners Guild.

Monthly Moot?

What's a moot?

A "moot" is an old English word for meeting. Inspired by the Rabbit Room community, we call our monthly gatherings the same.

Once a month, we gather Christian creatives to share their art and performances because we believe that creativity that celebrates truth and goodness reminds us of God’s beauty–Beauty that inspires hope and awakens our sense of wonder as we wait for Jesus to return and restore our brokenness into something good. 

Our home opens to you at 5 PM when we kick off our gathering with a potluck. We feast and chat until 6 PM when the night's artists showcase and perform their original works. Finally, we end the night with a presentation from a noted creative who teaches us how to merge our faith and art. So...kinda like church but with lots of ART + yummy food! 

Got questions about the Lamp Burners' Guild?

Got questions about the Lamp Burners' Guild?

The Lamp Burners Guild is a gathering of aspiring and practicing Christian creatives with disciplines ranging from writers, gardeners, photographers, poets, musicians, authors, painters, homemakers, and beyond! We welcome artists old and young because it’s a family affair. Come to share your art. Or just come! We’re saving a seat for you.

(If you’re not a Christian but curious about our faith and art-based community, I still welcome you to my home. Just start a conversation with me by direct messaging me.)

Did you know the Lamp Burners Guild is held right inside my home? Before you come, I’d love to chat with you. (I don’t bite, and I love all people!) Please message me if you believe in our mission (or if you’re curious about our monthly moots). I’ll be happy to give you the details on joining us. 

When you reach out, here are a few details to share in your message:
  • What’s your name?
  • How did you find the Lamp Burners Guild?
  • Would you like to showcase your art or perform?

Just message me at  LampBurnersGuild@gmail.com beforehand so I can get you the details before our next event. Can’t wait to have you!

When you message me about coming, please just mention that you have some art to share.

Please keep your art family-friendly and faith-affirming. (This doesn't mean your art can't touch on the struggles we experience. Just that ultimately your art must point us back to trusting, waiting, and healing in God as we trust in Him.)

Yesssss! Performing artists, please inquire using this page. Presenters, we love presentations encouraging our community to merge faith and creativity and offer practical application. They don’t necessarily have to be a speech or talk per se. One scholar shared a majority of his points through an allegorical story. (And yes, we do offer a humble honorarium…just in case you were wondering.) Please email me at LampBurnersGuild@gmail.com to pitch your presentation.

God’s body is diverse, so if we focus on having common ground in Jesus, we can do much good in this world. The Lamp Burners Guild holds that creativity can only bring beauty if it is: 1) True (conforms to God’s Word); and 2) Good (is motivated by Godly love). So if you have a great love for Jesus and a budding (or full bloom) passion for the arts, you’ll fit right in!

Did you know the Lamp Burners Guild is held right inside my home? Before you come, I’d love to chat with you. (I don’t bite, and I love all people!) Please message me if you believe in our mission (or if you’re curious about our monthly moots). I’ll be happy to give you the details on joining us. 

When you reach out, here are a few details to share in your message:

Just message me beforehand, so I can get you the details before our next event.

Can’t wait to have you!

What’s your name?
How did you find the Lamp Burners Guild?
Would you like to showcase your art or perform?


a message from the host

Click here to learn more about me

Hey, I'm Titania Paige, a multifaceted creative with a passion for expressing God's beauty. A noted Bible teacher, I contribute to the Well-Watered Women’s Bible study platform and have served as a First 5 App Writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries. My book, Come Home: A Redemptive Roadmap from Lust Back to Christ, launched as an Amazon hot release in July 2020.

I'm also a creative partner to Christian entrepreneurs launching digital businesses and ministries through my design studio, Made for This Design. Recognized for my exceptional web design and client experiences, I was recently named a Showit Design Partner.

As the founder of the Lamp Burners’ Guild, my family hosts monthly moots in Memphis, TN with the goal of encouraging creatives to make Jesus accessible through their artistry. I'm so grateful for the love and support of my husband. My daughter keeps me giggling...and begrudgingly buying unicorns. 

