
You're a Christian artist looking to perform. Or, maybe you're  looking to save money on a room as you tour? 

We welcome artists amateur to seasoned. Reach out. We can't wait to partner with you to create a beautiful experience. Check out the details below. Then, fill out the form below to get started.

What to Expect

When you stay as an artist

We open our home to artists, because they can't NOT share the art inspired by their experience of God's love. When you come, you will experience hospitality, encouragement, and the joy of serving with your art. Stay in our guest room. You'll have a private bathroom. It's our tradition as a family to treat you to a plate of Central's BBQ. This is a ministry we offer artists at no cost, because it takes a lot of bravery to do this. Most of all, we want you to feel rested and refreshed as an artist, because we believe in how God is using your art.

Artists typically perform or showcase for one hour. Because artistis come at unusual times, we can't always guarantee a huge crowd, but we market your event in advance, take suggested donations, and allow artists to sell their merch as well. LBG is very much a humble operation and there is a sweetness of God's Spirit makes it so special and real. So we ask that you come with a generous heart to connect. That's what makes this magical!

Got questions about coming through?

Got questions about performing at the Lamp Burners' Guild?

We welcome artists amateur & seasoned, but we ask that you have enough content published (whether that's a portfolio, a website, or social media account), so that we get a feel for who you are and your message. We love artists that are motivated by the gospel and their love for Jesus, because we believe that the world needs wonder and faith inspiring art that brings hope. You can come with your spouse or kids if necessary. (Ministry is a family affair, right?) Because this is our home, inquiring doesn't guarantee we can have you. But please inquire if you believe we are aligned in purpose! We want to support you!

Our goal is to bless you financially and create opportunities for you to generate some income from showcasing or performing. We allow artists to bring merch and we set up a Universe or Eventbrite link to collect suggested donations. Artists have at minimum left with gas money ($xxxs) for their next show. As the hosts, my family offers a one-night stay in our home, breakfast, and Central's BBQ as a meal (valued at $300 altogether). We pray that you'll come, not for the money, but we don't ignore the reality that artists should be paid for their craft. 

We've been told that the crowd is so receptive and warm. They appreciated the small touches of hospitality and how encouraging the experience of performing was. The house was cozy and the potluck was amazing! They liked the realness and the ministry that got to do while here. Coming felt like a mini-vacation and people respected their art and esteemed it. And most of all, God's Spirit worked in our togetherness. (I hope that makes sense!)

You'll have about 12x6 feet space to perform (indoors). We do have a backyard for early autumn if you'd like. There's a patio and a wooden platform. As for equipment, we have a standard microphone, a small amp, a piano, and Taylor guitar on hand. You may whip out your personal equipment or go acoustic. We leave that up to you. If you're a visual artist, we have some shelves, a few easels, and walls to hang/showcase. But the bottom line is that it doesn't have to be super fancy. Do whatever that will help you serve joyfully and leave you rested.

Inquire Now

THanks for reaching out! expect a response in 1-2 business days
